If you’ve ever wanted to reuse a page’s layout or settings to create a new one, you might’ve been surprised to find that WordPress doesn’t have a simple out-of-the-box solution. 

You could use a keyboard shortcut to Copy All, but that will only copy the text from the page. To carry over images, metadata, custom effects, and page settings, you need a more powerful solution that enables you to duplicate or clone a page in WordPress.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to duplicate a page in WordPress using three different methods:

How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress with a Plugin

There are various plugins that allow you to quickly duplicate pages, posts, and custom post types (like product pages). For example: 

Don’t get hung up on the wording of the plugin. With these plugins, you can clone any type of content in WordPress, not just pages or posts as the name may suggest. 

For this tutorial, we’re going to use a plugin called Duplicate Page

Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin

Go to Plugins > Add New. Search for “duplicate page”. Install and activate the Duplicate Page plugin by mndpsingh287 (or the plugin of your choosing). 

A search for "duplicate page" will reveal the Duplicate Page plugin on wordpress.orgA search for "duplicate page" will reveal the Duplicate Page plugin on wordpress.orgA search for "duplicate page" will reveal the Duplicate Page plugin on wordpress.org

There aren’t many settings to configure with this plugin. If you want to review them before you begin duplicating content, you’ll find them under Settings > Duplicate Page.

Step 2: Go to the Main Pages Screen

When you hover over any page in WordPress, what you normally see are options for: 

  • Edit
  • Quick Edit
  • Trash
  • View
By default, when you hover over a page or post in WordPress, you'll see options for Edit, Quick Edit, Trash, and ViewBy default, when you hover over a page or post in WordPress, you'll see options for Edit, Quick Edit, Trash, and ViewBy default, when you hover over a page or post in WordPress, you'll see options for Edit, Quick Edit, Trash, and View

What this plugin does is take the standard quick-action tools and add a new one called Duplicate This to the list.

With the Duplicate Page plugin installed, a new quick-action option reveals itself called "Duplicate This"With the Duplicate Page plugin installed, a new quick-action option reveals itself called "Duplicate This"With the Duplicate Page plugin installed, a new quick-action option reveals itself called "Duplicate This"

You will only see these options when you hover over the name of a page, post, or custom post type. 

Step 3: Duplicate the Page

Click the Duplicate This button below the page you want to clone. After a few seconds, the screen will reload with a copy of the page and all the data within it.

After using the Duplicate This tool, you'll find a cloned page with the exact same name in your list of pages. It'll be marked as "--Draft" though.After using the Duplicate This tool, you'll find a cloned page with the exact same name in your list of pages. It'll be marked as "--Draft" though.After using the Duplicate This tool, you'll find a cloned page with the exact same name in your list of pages. It'll be marked as "--Draft" though.

It will have the same name as the original, but it’ll be marked as a Draft

Step 4: Customize the Page

Open the duplicated page. It will look identical to the one you just copied, including the URL (which will have a number added to the end of it) as well as any metadata associated with it. 

Go through and edit the page name, permalink, content, data, and page settings as needed. 

When you’re done, save your changes.

In WordPress, use the Save Draft or Publish button to save your changesIn WordPress, use the Save Draft or Publish button to save your changesIn WordPress, use the Save Draft or Publish button to save your changes

 Click Save draft to keep it in draft status or Publish to push it to your website.

How to Copy a Page in WordPress with the Page Builder

If all you want to do is copy the content on the page, then you can use the WordPress page builder to do this. 

Step 1: Copy All of the Blocks

Go to the page, post, or custom post type you want to duplicate. Click on the three vertical dots symbol in the top-right corner to access the page’s Options.

In WordPress's Gutenberg editor, you can copy a page by going to Options and clicking Copy all blocks.In WordPress's Gutenberg editor, you can copy a page by going to Options and clicking Copy all blocks.In WordPress's Gutenberg editor, you can copy a page by going to Options and clicking Copy all blocks.

Select Copy all blocks under the Tools section.

Step 2: Paste the Content into a New Page

Create a new page or post. Right-click anywhere in the empty canvas and then select Paste

You can either right-click or hit Ctrl+V to paste content into WordPressYou can either right-click or hit Ctrl+V to paste content into WordPressYou can either right-click or hit Ctrl+V to paste content into WordPress

Another option is to hit Ctrl+V on your keyboard. 

This will copy over all of the blocks from the other page. This includes text, media, widgets, layout elements, and more.  

Step 3: Customize the Page

You can now customize the content and add all relevant metadata to it. Save and publish your changes when it’s done. 

How to Clone a Page in WordPress with Elementor

There isn’t a copy/clone/duplicate tool included in Elementor. That said, if you want to create a clonable page layout, you can do this by using Elementor’s template feature

Step 1: Save the Page as a Template

Open the page you want to duplicate.

When you’re inside the page builder, click the up-arrow next to the Update or Publish button. This reveals the Save Draft and Save as Template options.

In Elementor, you can save any of your pages, posts, or custom post types as templatesIn Elementor, you can save any of your pages, posts, or custom post types as templatesIn Elementor, you can save any of your pages, posts, or custom post types as templates

Save this page as a template. 

Step 2: Import the Template into a New Page

When you create a new page, open the template library and go to the My Templates tab. The saved page will now be in there. 

When you save a page as a template in Elementor, it shows up in your My Templates libraryWhen you save a page as a template in Elementor, it shows up in your My Templates libraryWhen you save a page as a template in Elementor, it shows up in your My Templates library

Click Insert on the right. 

A pop-up message will appear that asks if you want to “Apply the settings of this page too?”. 

Before adding any templates to your Elementor pages, you need to decide if you want to apply the template's settings to the page or leave the ones you have in placeBefore adding any templates to your Elementor pages, you need to decide if you want to apply the template's settings to the page or leave the ones you have in placeBefore adding any templates to your Elementor pages, you need to decide if you want to apply the template's settings to the page or leave the ones you have in place

If you click Apply, it will override the default design, layout, and page-level settings. It won’t affect any metadata you’ve already filled in. 

Step 3: Customize the Page

With the duplicated content in place, you can now set to work in editing it. When it’s done, use the Publish or Save Draft settings in the bottom-left corner to save your new page.


There are many reasons why you might want to know how to duplicate a page in WordPress. 

For instance, you could be looking for a faster way to create new pages or posts that will have a similar structure to existing ones. Rather than recreate the wheel every time, you’ll duplicate the page and focus on editing the details. 

You could also be looking for a way to expand your shop and create products more quickly. Being able to duplicate them means you won’t have to spend as much time filling in the product specs each time. 

Or you could be looking for a user-friendly tool that clients can use to create new posts or pages. While templates can be helpful, sometimes it’s more useful for clients to see all of the pre-filled metadata so they know which fields to spend their time on and which to ignore.

Whatever your reasons are, you have three simple and code-free solutions that will help you duplicate pages, copy content, and clone layouts in WordPress.

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